About us
Typically, our clients are premium brands designing and making their own product and going that extra mile with their spec & development. Their work is a step above the ‘norm’ and they want the world to know.
And while we deliver on all the usual areas of communication, optimising reviews campaigns - in the widest media base - to ensure our clients always come out on top is central to what we do.
Whether that's giving clients an unbiased impression of a pre-production sample or helping to select the best products from a range for review. Offering competitor product & activity analysis through to monitoring media opinion on key topics – we are always there, directly supporting the reviews planning process.
To show our commitment to offering well informed advice the agency has also created its own acoustically treated product test & demo area – for internal use but also available to clients and journalists needing a quality test space.
For journalists we offer accuracy and speed. We never just send and hope for the best.
You’ll get the agreed product, ready to go with everything you need and on the right date – we won’t waste your time.
Proving you have the best product should be the start of any campaign and the fun stuff can come next – plus what about helping sales?
Once reviews have appeared we support clients in promoting to their customers through social and other media and will negotiate content and logo availability.
Our product knowledge also allows us to help support clients with event planning, with influencer campaigns and with identifying and actioning promotional partnerships with media partners and with other premium brands.
Whatever we undertake we ensure that everyone is fully briefed and that everyone’s expectations are met.
You might think that’s how it should always be but, ask around or check our testimonials below, our service is way beyond the ordinary.